C. A. McIntosh

Welcome to my website, where I host my academic and popular work, as well as the most comprehensive collection of arguments for God’s existence in the world.
I earned my Bachelor of Arts in philosophy at Calvin College, Master of Arts in Philosophy at Cornell University, and Doctor of Philosophy in philosophy at Cornell University. My area of specialty is philosophy, with special interest in philosophy of religion. Find me also on Philpapers and Academia.edu.
Besides the occasional adjuncting gig, I have the pleasure of working from home in God’s Country, central Ohio, where I am mostly occupied with amateur DIY projects, even more amateur homesteading efforts, and, most amateurish of all, being a Dad.
- Ed., One God, Three Persons, Four Views: A Philosophical and Theological Dialogue (Cascade, 2024). Featuring Beau Branson, William Lane Craig, William Hasker, and Dale Tuggy.
- Ed., with Tyler McNabb. Sex, Gender, & Life: New Essays in Christian Ethics (forthcoming).
- Rational Foundationalism. Ph.D Thesis (Cornell University, 2020).
- “From Monsters to Monuments: Reply to Manis,” Philosophia Christi (forthcoming).
- “Hell and the Image of God,” Philosophia Christi (forthcoming).
- “Triseity,” Philosophia Christi (forthcoming).
- “Houston, Naturalists Have a Problem: ETI as Evidence for Theism” (with Tyler McNabb), in Space, Philosophy and Ethics (Vernon Press, forthcoming).
- “A Spectrum View of the Imago Dei,” Religions 14/2 (2023), pp. 1-12.
- “Recent Work on Traditional Arguments for Theism II,” Philosophy Compass 17/7 (2022), pp. 1-9.
- “Recent Work on Traditional Arguments for Theism I,” Philosophy Compass 17/7 (2022), pp. 1-12.
- “Why Does God Exist?” Religious Studies 58/1 (2022), pp. 236-257.
- “Houston, do we Have a Problem? Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life and Christian Belief” (with Tyler McNabb), Philosophia Christi 23/1 (2021), pp. 101-124.
- “Idealism and Commonsense,” in Joshua Farris and Benedikt Göcke (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Idealism and Immaterialism (Routledge, 2021), pp. 496-505.
- “A Defense of Modal Appearances,” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 89 (2021), pp. 243-261.
- “Nontraditional Arguments for Theism,” Philosophy Compass 14/5 (2019), pp. 1-14.
- “For All the Right Reasons,” and “Against Progressivism’s ‘Social Equality’,” in Robert Fischer (ed.), Ethics: Left and Right (Oxford, 2019), pp. 94-101, 105-107.
- “How to Convince Sleeping Beauty She’s Not Dreaming”, in Richard Davis (ed.), Disney and Philosophy (Blackwell, 2019), pp. 95-105
- “The God of the Groups: Social Trinitarianism and Group Agency,” Religious Studies 52/2 (2016), pp. 167-186.
- Andrew Davison, Astrobilogy and Christian Doctrine. International Journal of Systematic Theology (forthcoming).
- Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer, Critical Dilemma. Philosophia Christi (forthcoming).
- Brian Leftow, Anselm’s Argument. Faith and Philosophy (forthcoming).
- Colin Ruloff and Peter Horban, Contemporary Arguments in Natural Theology. Faith and Philosophy 39/3 (2022), pp. 499-503.
- William Lane Craig, In Quest of the Historical Adam. Modern Reformation 31/5 (2022), pp. 57-61.
- William Lane Craig, Atonement and the Death of Christ. Modern Reformation 30/2 (2021), pp. 59-60.
- William Lane Craig, God Over All and God and Abstract Objects. Philosophy in Review 39/2 (2019), pp. 61-65
- Graham Priest, One. Philosophy in Review 36/3 (2016), pp. 130-132.
- Linda Zagzebski, Omnisubjectivity. European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7/4 (2015), pp. 238-242.
- William Hasker, Metaphysics and the Tri-Personal God. Philosophy in Review 34/6 (2014), pp. 309-311.
- Brian Leftow, God and Necessity. Philosophy in Review 34/3-4 (2014), pp. 142-146.
- Mark Nowacki, The Kalam Cosmological Argument for God. Unpublished.
- “Is there a Metaphysics of Christianity?” London Lyceum Institute, April 2023.
- “In Defense of Philosophy of Religion”, Furthering Christendom, August 2020.
- “Euthanizing Liberty”, White Horse Inn, June 2020.
- “We Don’t Need a National Conversation about Guns (or Anything Else)”, American Thinker, February 2018.
- “Voting for Roy Moore is Not a Vote for Pedophilia, and Other Spurious Charges”, The Federalist, December 2017.
- “The Image of God and the Eternity of Hell.” Adherent Apologetics. July, 2023.
- “Why Think God Possibly Exists?” Dini Cevaplar. Dec, 2022.
- Symposium on the Trinity, with Beau Branson, Ryan Miller, and Khalil Andani. October, 2022.
- “Why Atheism Logically Leads to Despair.” Capturing Christianity. July, 2022.
- “On Theistic Arguments.” Furthering Christendom. June, 2022.
- “Natural Theology: Misconceptions & New Developments.” Parker’s Pensées. June, 2022.
- “Why Idealism May Be True: Exploring Idealism and Common Sense.” Adherent Apologetics. May, 2022.
- “Natural Theology and Theistic Arguments.” Critical Witness. Dec, 2021.
- “Religious and Atheistic Experience.” Micro-Digressions: A Philosophy Podcast. Aug, 2021.
- “Theism Confirmed?” with Ted Poston. Capturing Christianity, July 2021
- “The the Existence of Aliens Contradict Christian Belief?” MemeLord Monday Podcast, June, 2021.
- “Must God be a Trinity?” The Christian Think Tank PH. June, 2021.
- “What Happens to Christianity when we Find Aliens?” Parker’s Pensées. June, 2021
- “Why Does God Exist?” Adherent Apologetics, May 2021
- “On Social Trinitarianism and Group Personhood.” Transfigured. April 2021.
- “Social Trinitarianism, Philosophical Arguments for the Trinity.” Parker’s Pensées. March, 2021
- “Over 100 Arguments for the Existence of God.” Capturing Christianity. Feb 2021
- “How Philosophy May Show God Must be a Trinity.” Adherent Apologetics. Feb 2021
- “If Aliens Existed, would that Invalidate Christianity?” with Tyler McNabb. Capturing Christianity. Dec 31, 2020.
- “McIntosh on the Trinity.” Part 1. Part 2. Trinities. March 2015.